Chocolate Hazelnut Silk Pie a.k.a. Nutella Pie. Why the name change? Well, I used Kirkland Signature Chocolate Hazelnut spread to see if it held up to Nutella standards. The results: Amazing! Everyone raved about this creamy silky melt in your mouth pie. The recipe is not new, it’s not my own, but we have been making it for years. I don’t even know who to thank for the recipe.

The one ingredient that makes Chocolate Hazelnut Silk Pie divine is the mascarpone cheese; it’s a must. Yes, it’s spendy, but you can click on this link to make your own Mascarpone Cheese for pennies on the dollar. It is every bit as decadent and rich as the store bought version; but you need to make it the day before you make the pie!
And, it wouldn’t be a true Chocolate Hazelnut experience without topping your decadent pie with roasted hazelnuts! Here is the link for Roasted Hazelnuts. The roasting removes the skins, brings out the nutty goodness, and gives a nice nutty crunch to every bite of heaven.
If you look closely, I also added a drizzle of ganache (chocolate truffle). My daughter told me it was not needed, I just did it anyway. It was great, I won. So, do yourself a favor, click here to make Chocolate Ganache and the extra can be used for ice cream topping later. Win-Win.

As you know, the hardest part is going to be saving the last slice for yourself. I did save the last slice, but then woke up in the middle of the night and I made it disappear; just sayin’.
Chocolate Hazelnut Silk Pie
- 2 cups chocolate hazelnut spread
- 1-1/2 cups mascarpone cheese (12 ounces)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/3 cup roasted hazelnuts, rough chopped
- 3-4 tablespoons chocolate ganache, warm just until melted (optional)
- 1 chocolate graham cracker crust
- In an electric mixer beat the mascarpone cheese, chocolate hazelnut spread, and salt at high speed for about 3 minutes. It will get fluffy and lighten a bit.
- Spread the mixture into the chocolate graham crust. Drizzle with ganache and top with the chopped roasted hazelnuts.
- Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours. The pie will be soft, but firm enough for cutting. Enjoy the freaking goodness!