Is there anything more cute and galactically cuddly than Baby Yoda? No, say I. Are you anxiously awaiting for the next installment of The Mandalorian as I am? We need the the full scoop on the cute little guy. In the meantime we will go forth and celebrate May the 4th.
As far as the type of fruit pie that will serve as the backdrop I would use something with berries. Triple Berry Pie, Vanilla Cherry Rhubarb, Strawberry-Rhubarb, Blackberry Pie or Apple Cherry Bomb are all great for contrast.

The features that make Baby Yoda so adorable are the BIG eyes, CHUBBY cheeks, and long ears. His little cherub face is nestled in his little burlap-like swaddling; and we can’t take our eyes off him. There are other Baby Yoda ideas on Tumblr, be creative see where it takes you.
Let the tutorial begin: Use a 10-inch pie plate upside down to draw an outline on a large piece of parchment placed on a cutting board or baking sheet. Click and open the PDF of Baby Yoda and print 3 copies. First one is for cutting and taping onto to parchment, 2nd is to cut out head and eyes for pattern on pie dough, and 3rd is for reference. After you tape the pattern onto the outline, cover with plastic wrap.

Included below are file attachments of my drawing to serve as a guide. One file is the plain drawing; the other is the drawing with measurements for cutting dough pieces needed.

Roll out small dough balls pea-size to marble size; roll and flatten as above.

Cut about an extra 1/2 bigger around the exterior of the pattern.

Use fondant tools to make indents, pushing the dough over and around the small balls underneath. Slightly push in around the edges with your fingers to smooth.

Once his head is to your liking, it’s time to add color. Brush pink food coloring gel thinly spread on his inner ears and using water brush out to fade.

Mix a drop of green, a touch of yellow and a teeny bit of brown coloring gel (or the tip of a toothpick of black) in a custard cup with about 2 tablespoons of water. You’re basically water coloring on the pie dough. However, I feel like I made it too lime green.

Let the dark runny water run into crevices, which will in turn give it more depth when baked. Black food coloring gel is a must for the eyes; and then touch up his cheeks and eyelids with a little pink.

After you roll out the dough, cut all the pieces for his swaddling wrap and attach with water. Make scoring marks and lines for texture and indents for “sewing” marks, which will make it look more “real.” Use The Force.

For his swaddling wrap, brown food coloring gel was mixed with water & then mixed with water & a half a drop of black for the collar & cuffs. Place Baby Yoda’s head and his body in the freezer while you prepare the crust and pie filling.

While your art work is in the freezer, roll out the pie dough for the 10-inch pie plate, add your filling of choice, and place the swaddling wrap on first. Position his head and bake for 60 minutes @ 350.

Because I decided he was too lime green after baking, I grabbed some luster dust to fix it. Mix the luster dust with water or sugar water and carefully touch/brush on the gray/green tone ever so lightly; to not flake off the crust.

The most difficult part will be cutting into your masterpiece, however, This is the Way.
Baby Yoda Pie
- Pink, green, brown, yellow, and black food coloring gel.
- Paint brushes, paint mixing cups.
- Fondant tools
- Knife
- Parchment paper
- Plastic wrap
- 10-inch pie plate
Pie Crust for 10-inch pie & cut outs for Baby Yoda
- 3 cups all purpose flour
- 1-1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1/4 cup pure cane sugar
- 1/8 teaspoon baking powder
- 1-1/2 cups vegetable shortening
- 3/4 cold water
- 5 cups fruit pie filling of choice (berries are great for contrast with Baby Yoda)
Pie Crust & Assembly
- Stir together all dry ingredients. Using a large for, cut in the shortening until crumbly.
- Add water all at once and mix just until forms a ball (do not kneed or over mix).
- Roll out dough on heavily floured surface and cut out Baby Yoda's head (cutting an extra 1/2-inch wider on perimeter.
- Shape Baby Yoda's head, add colors and set aside. Repeat for swaddling wrap for Baby Yoda's body. (See blog post for details.
- Place the head and body into the freezer while you prepare the bottom crust.
- Preheat oven to 350 F.
- Roll out dough on a heavily floured surface, place in pie plate and trim edge, no need to crimp.
- Place Yoda's body/swaddling wrap first, then fit in the head. Use cut out stars or other shapes to finish the top edge of pie.
- Bake at 350 F for 60 minutes.